My Thought Spot 14: Discover Spanish With Us

This is the first “regular” (if there is such a thing) episode of MTS Podcast in about a month. Things have been a little crazy this summer, but we are settling back down into a routine again.

Show Notes

My Thought Spot 13: A Church Service

This episode was inspired by a request that my friend Gordan had, when he was wondering if I had any of my sermons available on line. I do not. Currently I preach in Spanish, and worse yet, Sign Language. For my English speaking listeners, Spanish is not quite easy to understand, and Sign Language is hard to record on an audio podcast.

However, I took up the task. I wired myself for sound and hit the record button. Fortunately for you, I also know how to edit. This short podcast was whittled down from about 1.5 hours of audio.

I must apologize to Spanish speakers. I can easily criticize other people’s Spanish when they speak. And, I found out that I can criticize my own. This recording does not have the best grammar. It is grating in fact. Why though, can I hear it now, but don’t catch it before it comes out of my mouth? Oh it is embarrassing. But I am consoled in the fact that most of you won’t know or care.

You will also be subjected to my singing in this recording. You will soon realize why I work with the Deaf.

Good things to come

I am working on a couple of projects that I hope to reveal here in either the next few hours, or days.

The first is a new website. It will be about Spanish and the curious words we find. Sometimes the information will revolve around grammar and usage, but mostly about the nuances of the meanings of words. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, I think you might find some of our discoveries to be interesting. We are in the design stage of the site now, but I will announce it here while still building long before I start promoting it to the general public. You will get a chance to take a gander and tell me what you think of it.

Also, I am working on a new episode of MTS Podcast. I finally got my sound editing software installed on this machine (I was without this for almost a month). I had to do my last couple of episodes on my notebook for both MTS and Missionary Talks.

I should be able to get out an MTS Podcast tomorrow morning.

Good things are a-coming.

My Thought Spot 12: Weady to Go Wunning

We are back home from our big summer trip. It was just a couple day short of 3 weeks long. We had a good time. Much of this episode is a recap of our trip down from the border. Then there are other various stories of what went on since the last MTS episode.

Show Notes

My Thought Spot 11: Crossing Borders on the Run

Much to the chagrin of my wife and probably my mother, here is another running episode of MTS Podcast. When I got home from my run the other day and I had my recorder in hand, my wife groaned and said “you didn’t record while running again did you?” Yup.

No detailed show notes. The blog postings from the last week are what is included here. If I get a chance when I get home I may add links. I am just trying to get this uploaded before I cross the border headed back to Yucatán in a couple of hours.