Missionary Talks problems

Boy am I having a time getting this next edition of Missionary Talks out! I have 2 recordings that I need to work on. I was hoping to get one of them done today, but it is just eating my lunch. I think I am going to skip that recording for now and move onto the next one. I know the information will be old news to me by the time I get that one out, but it will be fresh to everyone else. I really just need to get a show out there.

There are a couple of people in town this week that I may be able to rope into an interview. They have been to the Quechua people in Peru for a short term trip. They are not career missionaries, but they may be able to share a couple of stories. I think that would be great. I could share one of my Peruvian stories with you too. I spent 4.5 months there in 1991. I have quite a few stories I could share. Might be a good reason to pull out my journals from that trip.

So, I am going to give up on this one show for the time being and crank out the next interview that I have recorded. It will be a bit of a shorter show. Maybe you will like that. I will start on it in the morning when I am less frustrated.

My Thought Spot 04: Krispy Kreme Donuts

Show Notes:

Krispy Kreme goodness

The last Krispy Kreme donut I had was last summer when my wife carried one home in her suitcase in a small metal box. MMmmm!Krispy Kreme in the Mexico City airport

I have not sworn off of them. The reason I have not had one is that there just aren’t any Krispy Kreme (or Dunkin’ Donuts*) in these parts.

On my way through the Mexico City airport last week I learned that there was now a KK there. But you had to leave the secure area and go back down into the main entrance. I decided to wait until I was on my way back home to venture down there. I had a longer layover and it was better timing for taking some home to the family.

Having spent way too many hours in the airport, I knew right where the KK should be. I was so giddy when I saw it yesterday morning that I had to pause and snap the photo. I bought a couple puff balls of bliss and a cup of coffee. Before I left the airport I was carrying 2 dozen donuts in a plastic bag.

What was left over after breakfast this morning got shared with some friends over coffee. Just three more left and they will be gone tomorrow morning. MMmmm!

*(I do not, in any way, want to compare KK and DD in quality of product. I only mention this to point out that there are no major US donut chains here in Merida.)

4000 and climbing

Two weeks ago I posted about hitting the 3000 mark for the number of downloads of Missionary Talks. Today we crossed 4000!

This has been helped by at least 2 things. The mission team I was with last week was made up of 20+ college age young people. They got home on Monday and started downloading the show I think. Then I had recorded a One Minute How To several weeks ago. I suspect that George’s podcast is quite popular. My episode went out on Monday as well. I have not heard it yet. I hope to get to it early next week.

Those two events caused me to average more than 100 downloads a day for the last 6 days. Normally I will see about 30 a day. This is great. I hope to keep these new listeners. That will require me getting on the ball and getting another show out. I just did not have the time that I had hoped I would to edit the recordings I have made.

I should be back on track in a few days.

Funny language faux pas

I was talking with a group of non-native Spanish speakers and we were sharing stories of embarrassing language mistakes.

One fellow was with a friend while doing construction work on their church building. He meant to say that they needed some tree branches (ramas) to help them prop up something. What he said instead was “Necesitamos unas rameras para ayudarnos” (We need some prostitutes to help us).

Another was a story shared about a friend of mine who was not there to defend himself, but I am sure the story is pretty accurate based on other things he has said.

The water pump (bomba) did not work at the house he was renting. He went to the land lady’s house to tell her the bomba did not work. But he could not remember the word. He knew it sounded like an English word so he told her “Su pompa no funcciona.” “Pompa” is the word for the sitting down part of the body. The land lady just smiled and patted herself on the rear end and said, “No se funcciona muy bien” (No, it works just fine).