Missionary Talks: Listener Feedback 01

I posted a listener feedback episode at Missionary Talks. Because of the format of the show, I really don’t want to take the time to cover feedback in the main show. Not because I don’t like the feedback, but because it would stifle what I am trying to accomplish with each episode. However, that gives me a chance to use a whole episode to cover feedback. I can take more time and not feel rushed.

It never got to 104

We just had a paltry 100 degrees today. Disappointing.

After the nice warm weather we have had recently, I thought I would give the pool a try this morning. After my very speedy 2.7 miles at a pace of 8:47 I was ready to jump in the pool to get cooled off. It felt so nice.

This afternoon the whole family jumped in for a swim.

The rainy season that never really happened last year seems to be getting ready to join us this year. Normally it is in full swing by mid-May. We have already had some afternoon rains. The rain does not cool everything off early on in the season, but it sure makes August more bearable. The first several weeks it just makes everything steamy. But by the end of July, things start to cool down after the rains.

We are becoming my parents! HELP!!

I talked with Dad yesterday. Last week was Mom and Dad’s anniversary. They celebrated 39 years. Mom claims that is her age and that she has been married since she was 6 months old. For some reason I am not buying it.

Back to the phone conversation with Dad. He said that on their anniversary day, they went to Barnhill’s Buffet. Elegant anniversary dinner.

However on the next day, they did celebrate properly. He gave Mom the choice of her favorite restaurant, Olive Garden, or any place of her choosing. He said she chose some place else, but he could not remember where it was. You can tell it made a great impact on him.

He commented that they did not have any books with them. They actually talked with one another while they ate. “Just like a real date,” he said.

That whole conversation came crashing back to me as we were standing in the library this morning and I was trying to pick out which book I wanted to read when we went to lunch later in the day. Are my wife and I becoming my parents? I sure hope not. I don’t think the world could be ready for 2 sets of people like them.

Is it warm yet where you are?

On Monday a group from New Jersey arrived to work with a church that is pastored by a good friend of ours. I went out with them that evening and was telling them how much we have enjoyed the cooler weather the last several weeks and that it really has not gotten hot here with the exception of a couple of days. We even had a couple of days at the end of this last week where the high was only 86.

That was Monday. Tuesday it was 100 degrees and today we touched 102. Tomorrow is supposed to be 104.

So much for the cooler weather.

Missionary Talks 22: David and Crystal Houghton

In this interview I spoke with David and Crystal Houghton. They are missionaries in Tampico, Mexico. Like me, they too work with the Deaf.

As you will probably be able to tell in the interview, we were not “perky.” That is a word that left our vocabulary a few days before recording. It was a very long and tiring week.

I told you I would get it out today. Whew!