Hammer Nutrition Sale

For the runners and bikers who stop by here you will be interested in knowing that Hammer Nutrition is running a 50% an “up to 50%” off sale starting today, Monday, November 10. I heard about this sale from Rachel over at FitnessForMommies.net. The sale runs from November 10 to December 17. She says the price goes up in 2009.

The promo code is: WS08

Hammer Nutrition makes many nutrition products for endurance athletes. I have never used their gels, but I picked 2 packets up today to try out. If they sit well with me, I may buy a couple of bottles to have on hand. I have not gotten into the nutrition supplements that are very popular except gels. I may have to give a couple of their different products a try.

Have you used Hammer Nutrition products? What were your thoughts? How do you use them?

Timberlake Half Marathon

I am shooting for a half marathon PR next Saturday at the Timberlake Half Marathon. This is a small race about an hour and a half from my home in Pensacola.

This race was chosen for a few different reasons.

  • It is about the right amount of time after my marathon
  • I can play off my marathon training
  • It is close to home
  • I happen to be home that weekend

I am hoping to work from my marathon training. Since it is run 4 weeks after my marathon I think it is far enough away not to be affected negatively from the Indianapolis race. But it is still close enough that all the miles I put in for training for the marathon will be to my favor for this shorter race.

I will be able to easily drive to the race on race day. I don’t have to get a hotel the night before. Though it means I will need to get good sleep a couple of days leading up to the race. That may be a bit tricky since I will have very late nights from Saturday (last night) until Wednesday. I will drive from Knoxville, TN to Pensacola, FL on Thursday, but can take a nice long nap on Thursday if I need and sleep late Friday morning if I can.

The goal is a 2 hour finish. That is a very ambitious goal. My current half marathon PR is 2:16:23, however, I ran 2:11:00 during the first half of my marathon. Therefore, I am just shaving 11 minutes off my time in Indianapolis.

This is an out and back course. I will be able to see how I am doing at the half way point. I plan to run a consistent pace (9:10 per mile) from start to finish. However, I would like to run a negative split and leave it all on the course. This will be my first real “race” in the half marathon distance. I have never tried to run it fast with anticipated pain following the race. This time I expect to hurt for several days after this race.

Coming up…

I have been on the road most of the afternoon. When I got to the place I am staying I was really pressed for time to get my blog post of the day out. Instead of a full post I will just give you a preview of what I have planned.

  • How to install an ad blocker in Firefox
  • How to make your own microwave popcorn
  • Half marathon plans
  • Hammer Nutrition sale

These are all subjects that I plan to write about in the next few days.

Stay tuned!

Tribute to John Williams

Have you seen the Star Wars song on YouTube? It is quite popular this week. I wanted to point out a couple of interesting things about it.

I first saw it when it had been viewed 300,000 times. Just a couple of hours later it was up to 450,000 views. Now, a day later, it has been viewed more than 1,000,000 times! Quite the craze.

Being the curious type about these things, I had to learn more about it. I clicked the link to the lyrics which led me to the main page of MooseButter a capella comedy group. The song is called Star Wars and was first performed in 1999. In the video the artist, Corey Vidal, is shown singing all the parts. Actually, he is just lip syncing the MooseButter group. Very well I might add.

Enjoy the video!

Thrift store finds

Over the last month we have been on the road traveling. When we travel we usually hit thrift stores along the way. Each one has its own flavor. Here are experiences at 3 stores that we got to on this trip.

The Dump
The Goodwill Outlet in Indianapolis, Indiana was a unique experience. They haul out big bins (4 to 8 at a time) which have various items usually loosely grouped with other similar items: i.e., housewares, clothing, books, shoes. No one is allowed to touch the items until all of the bins in that section are moved into place. Once the final one arrives the crowd of 40+ people start digging through the items like a 90% off sale the Friday after Thanksgiving.

We got a few items of interest there. The coolest item was a suitcase which we really needed. We are still in search of at least one more. We also walked away with several books and some kitchen items that we needed in our new house.

The best part about the outlet store, known to the family as “The Dump,” is you pay by the pound. We combined our haul with my sister-in-law’s and got a price break for going over 50 pounds of loot.

The Potter’s House
We were told by a facebook friend that The Potter’s House was a great thrift store, so we made the 30 minute drive to Winder, Gerogia yesterday to check it out. While we did not find a whole lot of stuff that interested us, the prices were great.

I found a nice long-sleeved blue shirt that I liked. In the process of digging through all the shirts I put my new find on the end of the rack. When I got to the end (where I had placed my shirt) I found a really nice long-sleeved blue shirt. I was really excited that I found two nice shirts. They were identical too. Then I realized I found the same shirt twice. I really must get back on my medication.

Happy Acres
Before we left the Atlanta area today we had to check out a place called Happy Acres. It is only available to missionaries, but they have a free clothing closet as well as some very nice apartments where we can stay when passing through. I found a whole rack of pants exactly my size in my favorite style and brand. There were probably 10 or more pairs of pants for me. I could not bring myself to wipe them out, but I did take 4 pair. They are in great shape and would have cost me well over $100 to buy them new in the store. All free of charge.

Thrift stores are great. Sometimes you have to dig through a lot of junk to get something useful, but when you find what you need you can save a ton of money. If it were not for thrift stores we would not have the nice clothes that we are able to wear.

Our thanks to everyone who donates their used, but good, items to thrift stores. Maybe the next time you see me I will be wearing your old shirt or shoes.