February Goals Report

I ran 15 days out of the month. I did not run 14. There were 2 times that I missed running 3 days in a row. The rest of the time I only had 1 day breaks between running.

I ran a total of 72.2 miles for the month. I ended the month right on track for a 1000 mile year. At the end of January I was 6.5 miles ahead of schedule. Traveling and a very tightly scheduled conference ate up the 6.5 mile buffer, but that was why I worked to get ahead.

I fell way behind on my reading. I only read 657 pages (goal is 800 per month). Most of the reading I did was in the last week and a half of the month. No real excuse other than I was busy and did not make it a priority until late in the month.

I read Do You Mind if Your Kids Don’t and Cure for the Common Life and I completed When Charity Destroys Dignity. I also read on the book D Day, but not very much. I need to finish it within the next 2 weeks so that I can give it back to the owner when I see him. I also read a master’s thesis entitled Seducing Spirits.

The month of March will be another tough month, but without the goals I think it would be easy to cruise through the month and not accomplish much in the area of reading and running.

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