Happy Birthday!

We have rolled around to that time of year again. I am another year older.

My wife bought me two books off of my Amazon Wish List. She got me Running Through the Wall and Hal Higdon’s Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide. I have no idea when I will actually get them, but they have been purchased for me. She gave me two envelopes with a picture of the books she bought.

I also was handed a package that was squishy. I had a pretty good idea what was in it. I had been looking for a short sleeve white shirt for a few months. I finally found one. Why it was so hard to find I am not sure. I picked it up Thursday and threw it in the shopping cart. I told my wife she could wrap it as a birthday gift since she was having trouble picking out something for me. I was a little surprised that she actually did.

I don’t think I am going to be going out and stuffing myself like I did last year. I mostly took care of that last night. We had some friends who had an open house type party. Lots of candy and such. I had more than my share. Tonight we have an activity at the church where we will be eating more candy. If I have any caloric deficit, it is being made up this weekend.

While running this morning with my friend Jeff I told him it was my birthday. Then I got a big laugh out of it. I was thinking about being 38 years old. That means that in less than a year my older brother turns 40. hehe

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