500 miles down the road

500 miles on my training logToday I ran my 500th mile for the year. I was planning to go over that mark, but my run last night with a friend was cut short. He had what he thought was a three mile course mapped out. It ended up being less than 2 miles. When I put the 1.93 mile run into my log last night, I was pleased to see that it brought me exactly up to 496.0 miles for the year.

This morning I went out and ran my 4 mile loop and capped off the day at 500.0 miles.

I have 7 weeks to try and get 100 more miles in for the year. 15 miles a week will take care of that. That is a comfortable number for me, but I just have to work on staying consistent. I would like to keep my weekly long runs between 8 and 10 miles, but without any specific reason, I have trouble staying motivated to do it. I have scaled back the number of miles the last couple of weeks just to give my body a small break. I will get back to the longer miles this coming week.