April Goals Report

Running 1000 miles
I ran 90.2 miles this month on 19 days. There were 11 days that I did not run. Out of those 11 days, I never took more than 2 days off at a time. I did run 4 days in a row twice this month, which is something I did not want to do. Those came on back to back weeks. I almost did it a third week in a row, but just had to tell my running partner that I could not make it because of getting too fatigued.

I am about 5 miles ahead of my goal for the year. This is my second longest running month–January was longer by 1 mile.

Reading 800 pages
I only read 644 pages this month in 5 different books. Nothing was really outstanding other than the Marathon book by Hal Higdon. Without having a goal I would not have read as much as I did. I am disappointed that I missed it again (missed in February too). But I am encouraged by the fact that I have used the goal to keep me pushing to be a more consistent reader.

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