Get paid for blogging

What would my vast number of readers think if I started advertising products in my blog postings? These are called “pay per post.”

The way it would work is I get a list of advertisers who would be willing to pay me if I post about their product (even if I say bad things about them). I then choose the product I would write about and I give you my thoughts on the item/website/service. And, this is the important part, I would always tell you when I am getting paid for that posting. So nothing is hidden. You always know what is an ad and what is not.

I already have ads on the website. You just don’t know it. Every time I post a book review (like the post before this one) I put a link in there for you to buy the book at Amazon. You never do. Or, at least no one has yet. But, that is an ad and I get compensation if you buy that book, or any other book after going to Amazon through that link.

Are you offended by that? You should be less offended if I actually tell you up front that these posts are advertisements. And, I could actually make a little money to pay for new running shoes and such. That would be cool.

I have heard about this for some time. But after reading about it on Stephen the Dog‘s blog, I thought I would give it more of an inspection.

Tell me what you think. I have heard precious little from my readers recently (thank you for being there for me Terry). I don’t even know if my own Mother is reading anymore. Sad isn’t it? So, if I don’t hear much negative about it soon, then I think I will sign up.

6 thoughts on “Get paid for blogging”

  1. There are plenty of blog out there that have the “pay for post” and Google Ads inside their post. I have been thinking about doing the same thing. I would be interested in knowing how the whole Amazon linking thing works, I’d sure like to pimp the stuff that I like. Speaking of Amazon, you have the David Horton book/DVD thing, I have the DVD and would be willing to ship it to you when I finally get around to watching it, if you wanted it, it would motivate me to watch it!

  2. I would love to watch your David Horton DVD. Let me know when you are ready to ship it. Over the next several weeks I know of different groups coming in who you could ship it to. That way you send to a US address and I have a realistic chance of it arriving to me.

  3. Your mother is still reading your blog, I just lose my patience in trying to type with a broken arm. But thankfully, its getting easier to type, so maybe I will be making more comments.

  4. Can you believe she would use the “I have a broken arm” excuse?

    At least you pecked out something here. Good to know you are still around.

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