Let me tell you about my run…

I can imagine that people hate hearing that from their runner friends. That is as bad as someone coming over to your house with their slide trays full and ready to show off. But since you are here and this is my place to write, you can either skip it or read it. You won’t offend me.

I had planned a 6 mile run with a bit extra planned if I felt good at the end. To start out, I did not feel good, so the extra milage would probably not happen. In fact 1 km into it and I was walking. My right knee had been giving me problems the last week or so. I walked for 3 or 4 minutes and then decided to start up again. I was determined to at least get 2 miles in, even if only walking.

I started up again and the pain in my knee was horrific. Worse than ever. Knowing that the pain is related to what is called “runner’s knee” (something that happens when your outer thigh muscles are stronger than your inner ones) I decided to try something different and run just on the toes of my feet instead of heel to toe. It hurt less. Then all of a sudden…*POP*! No, not a physical sound or even a feeling really. It just stopped hurting from one step to the next. I then started running heel to toe again and never felt the pain that I had just moments before for the rest of the run.

I ran about 50 minutes and the podcast I was listening to, Phedippidations, ended. Instead of listening to the next podcast in line, Genealogy Guys, I decided to look for some comedy on the iPod. Genealogy just did not seem like it was the thing to listen to on an hour run. I have some random comedy that I thought would take my mind off the fact that I had been running for an hour and had at least 10 more minutes to go. Big mistake. Ever try running and laughing so hard that you are crying? Does not work well.

Needless to say, between the walking at the beginning and the comedy at the end, my time was 3 minutes slower than the last time I ran that route. But, at least I did it. Had fun. And my knee is not hurting.

Ancient Mammal Found

Scientists have found a mammal that lived in a time when they thought that mammals did not exist. Of course, this is no surprise to those who believe the Bible.

As a creationist, you believe that God created the world at one time. This would have mammals, dinosaurs and humans all living at the same time. Each time “science” comes up with a new discovery it strengthens what the Bible says. We are not afraid of true science. Science has never proven the Bible wrong. In many cases it just took science longer to observe through its scientific process what the Bible has stated as fact for hundreds or even thousands of years.

First Road Race

Flag Monument at the start of the race.Yesterday I ran my first road race. This was a 5 mile race along the beautiful Paseo de Montejo avenue in Mérida, México. I came in pretty much last. There was a 70 year old lady and a guy in a wheel chair that were behind me, but for all intents and purposes, I was the last one who was seriously running. I logged a time of 49 minutes and 42 seconds. Personally that was my best time for 5 miles. The winner in my division did it in less than 29 minutes. I never claimed to be fast, just persistent.

Darwin turns 197

Darwin has been promoted to being on the level with, or higher than, God in some churches. We accept what Darwin has to say, without proof, but won’t accept what God has to say with plenty of proof. To call Darwinism “science” is a misunderstanding of what science and the scientific process is. Take this quote from a quote in the New York Times.

“…the theory of evolution is ‘a foundational scientific truth.’ To reject it, the letter continues, ‘is to deliberately embrace scientific ignorance and transmit such ignorance to our children.’ “

How can it be a foundational scientific truth if it has not yet been proved? If something is fact, then it must be proved or proveable. Science, by definition, is knowledge gained through experimentation, observation and experience. No one has seen evolution happen. We only have the record of God to tell us how creation took place. If you don’t believe Him, then that is your choice. But churches, of all people, should not be saying that what Charles Darwin says must be more accurate than what God says.

Call them both, Darwinism and Creationism, religions if you want. You can say that Creationism (Intelligent Design) is not science even though there is nothing scientifically disproving it. But don’t call Evolution “science” since it does not fit the definition. Especially since what we can observe, experiment and experience has not proved it to be true.

Newspaper girl

This morning on the way to church there was a young lady selling newspapers on the street corner. A very common site here in México. There were 3 cars lined up to buy a newspaper from her. So, typical, she walked over to her stack of probably a hundred papers and grabbed precisely one. She then strolled over to the first car and sold him his paper. Then walked back to the stack and this time grabbed two for the other two cars.

At least she did better this second time. But what if one of the cars wanted two papers? No problem to her. She is paid to sell papers, not to be efficient. This whole scene was taking place at an intersection with a light. The light turned green as she was walking to the stack to get the extra two papers, so I did not see what followed. But she was in no hurry. Fortunately, there was room that these three cars were able to pull over and form a line to get their paper. Normally there would be cars lined up behind them to get through the light. Do you think that bothers anyone involved or actually makes them speed up any? Don’t count on it.