February Goals Report

I ran 15 days out of the month. I did not run 14. There were 2 times that I missed running 3 days in a row. The rest of the time I only had 1 day breaks between running.

I ran a total of 72.2 miles for the month. I ended the month right on track for a 1000 mile year. At the end of January I was 6.5 miles ahead of schedule. Traveling and a very tightly scheduled conference ate up the 6.5 mile buffer, but that was why I worked to get ahead.

I fell way behind on my reading. I only read 657 pages (goal is 800 per month). Most of the reading I did was in the last week and a half of the month. No real excuse other than I was busy and did not make it a priority until late in the month.

I read Do You Mind if Your Kids Don’t and Cure for the Common Life and I completed When Charity Destroys Dignity. I also read on the book D Day, but not very much. I need to finish it within the next 2 weeks so that I can give it back to the owner when I see him. I also read a master’s thesis entitled Seducing Spirits.

The month of March will be another tough month, but without the goals I think it would be easy to cruise through the month and not accomplish much in the area of reading and running.

Review: Do You Mind if Your Kids Don’t?

Do You Mind coverDo You Mind if Your Kids Don’t? is written by Evangelist Bill Rice III. I worked with Dr. Bill for many years and learned a lot from his daily teaching for my spiritual life and family ministry.

In this book, Dr. Bill talks mostly about the relationship between parents and children, but it really is more than that. He gives you great biblical principles on family relationships and how to train your children to be disciplined and respectful. He also explains very clearly how one can be saved and know it as well as how to find God’s will for one’s life. Much of what he gives are the same principles he teaches to teenagers every week at the Bill Rice Ranch (named for his father).

One of the biggest emphasis he has in the book is about the relationship between parents. The Bible has very clear teaching that parents should be united in their relationship, especially with their children. This does not mean that parents always agree or that they never have to work through differences of opinion, but as far as children are concerned they need to see a united leadership in their mom and dad.

Because I know Dr. Bill’s children very well, this book means much more to me. I know that the things he teaches have been borne out in the lives of his three children who are now grown and serving the Lord in different ministries.

I would recommend this book to any teenager and young adult. It is best to start building your philosophy about family before you are married. This is also a good book for anyone in ministry. You will learn how to clearly communicate the message of salvation.

Do You Mind if Your Kids Don’t?, Bill Rice III, Bill Rice Ranch Publications, 2007, 205 pages.