Great writing tips

I read a pile of blog postings this weekend about how to improve your blogging. There were three articles that I really enjoyed and wanted to share them with you. They are all short, so check them out and benefit from their authors.

First was a post about checking your grammar and spelling. These are simple things, but often over looked. I know that I don’t always catch typos and poor grammar, but I do try. Here is a great quote from the post.

In the online world, all people really have to go on is what you present to them in your writing.

Jump on over and read what else Kev has to say on the subject.

Secondly is a post along the same lines with 10 great tips on proper grammar. The particular one that I liked was number 4:

Slang. As tempting as it is to write as you speak, even with the idea of appealing to a certain audience, slang is clunky to read, tends to reduce your assumed authority on a topic and may alienate more people than it attracts on the basis that they have no idea what you’re talking about.

And finally, I read a post on what your readers do and don’t need to know about you. There is certainly some personal information you want to share and some you want to keep personal. Here is the summary statement, but be sure to read the whole article.

Sharing your house address can be deadly, sharing your phone number is not advisable, sharing your photo is alright, and sharing your email and real name is recommended.

Please leave a comment at their blog postings if these were helpful to you.

Google Sky and something more!

I just heard about Google Sky which is a new feature inside of Google Earth. It gives you star charts for your current location along with some amazing photos from the Hubble. Just like in Google Earth there are articles you can read about different stars and points of interest. All the major stars and constellations have articles written about them. Very cool.

But it gets amazingly better.

There is a flight simulator hidden in the program! After you install it, you hit Cntl+A (in Linux), Cmd+A (in Mac OSX), Cntl+Alt+A (in Windows). Yes! It works in Linux too.Maiden voyage in Google Earth Flight Simulator

For those not familiar with flight sims (which would include me), there is a list of the keyboard commands you will want to know. You can navigate quite a bit with your mouse, but you will need the keyboard to get the most out of it.

Click on the screen shot to the right to get a full size picture. I chose LAX as my airport of departure for no real reason other than I had recently been there. You will see in the pic that there are 2 push-pins. I was shocked to see them while flying. Those are stores that I had mapped in Google Earth when I was in Long Beach. The flight sim takes into account all of your personal settings inside of Google Earth. Awesome!

I heard about it from Marco’s Blog. Check out his article for more details.